CBD is one of more than 112 cannabinoids which are found in the hemp plant. As CBD is becoming more recognized in the health & wellness world, skin care, personal care and pet products, many scientific studies are already confirming there are unlimited health benefits related to using CBD.

CBD can help provide discomfort relief, reduce anxious feelings, combat despondency, balance mood, help get a better night’s rest, support immune system and much more!

Discomfort RELIEVER

The endocannabinoid system of the body helps regulate many functions, including sleep, appetite, pain and immune system response. These endocannabinoids bind to cannabinoid receptors in the nervous system. CBD interacts with these receptors to reduce swelling and provide relief. A 2008 review found that CBD offered effective relief without inducing adverse side effects in patients.


More and more research indicates CBD can also be used in the therapy of a range of mental health issues, including anxious feelings. Anxious feelings and despondency are common mental health disorders that can have devastating impacts on health and well-being. A study found that CBD significantly reduces anxious feelings. CBD oil has shown promise as a treatment for both despondency and anxious feelings, leading many who live with these disorders to become interested in this natural approach.

supports neurological function

CBD’s ability to act on the endocannabinoid system and other brain signaling systems may provide benefits for those with neurological disorders. One of the most studied uses for CBD is helping alleviate numerous symptoms of neurological disorders. Studies have shown that treatment with CBD improved quality of life, sleep and quality for people with specific neurological disorders.

promotes Heart Health

Recent research has linked CBD with several benefits for the heart and circulatory system, including the ability to maintain healthy blood pressure. Studies indicate that CBD may be a natural way to maintain maintaining healthy blood pressure. Researchers have suggested that the stress-reducing properties of CBD are responsible for its ability to support normal blood pressure.


Because of CBD’s powerful antioxidant and anti-aging properties, a study concluded that CBD is effective and safe in treating a multitude of skin problems. The antioxidant properties found in CBD help neutralize free radicals, a common source of many skin problems, and have anti-aging effects as well. These properties can help combat redness and irritation. In addition, CBD has numerous essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients, as well as proteins and fatty acids.

quitting smoking AND substance abuse

Some promising evidence suggests that CBD use may help people to quit smoking. A study found that smokers who used inhalers containing CBD smoked about 40% fewer cigarettes than usual. A similar review found that CBD may be a treatment option for people with opioid addiction disorders. Researchers found that CBD reduced some symptoms associated with substance use disorders, including anxious feelings, mood-related symptoms and insomnia.

Offers therapeutic benefits for PTSD

Human and animal studies suggest that CBD may offer therapeutic benefits for disorders related to inappropriate responses to traumatic memories. The effects of CBD on the different stages of aversive memory processing make this compound a candidate pharmacological adjunct to psychological therapies for PTSD. CBD also shows an action profile with fewer side effects than the pharmacological therapy currently used to treat this type of disorder. In addition, even at high doses, CBD does not show the anxiogenic profile of compounds that directly activate eCB transmission.

pet friendly

Pets can suffer from many of the same issues humans do, including soreness, anxious feelings, stress and swelling. CBD can ease these symptoms improve their overall quality of life. It is used to reduce anxious feelings, provide relief, protect the nervous system, supports heart heart and promotes homeostasis.


Many scientific studies already confirm CBD may help treat a variety of issues. CBD helps provide relief, can reduce anxious feelings, boosts mood, combats despondency, promotes healthy neurological function, supports heart health, decreases swelling, helps promote better sleep and supports overall health and wellness.


CBD is proving to be extremely effective in treating numerous skin problems because of its antioxidant, anti-aging and anti-swelling properties. CBD helps to neutralize free radicals, a common source of many skin problems, including redness and irritation. It also contains numerous essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients.


Like humans, pets can suffer from similar issues, including anxious feelings and aching joints. Giving your pets CBD not only can ease their symptoms, but also improve their quality of life. The list of benefits pets are experiencing from taking CBD is staggering: reduces anxious feelings, provides relief, protects the nervous system, good for the heart and more.